Tag Archives: words



I guess all that hot chocolate has me thinking about candy and all things sweet…lol..


He’s sweet.


Candy coated cheeks

Mint chocolate flavored lips,

Funnel caked hands-

Rock hard jaw breaker abs under powdered sugar clothes.


Chocolate covered raisins in all the right places,

White chocolate teeth,

Strawberry taffy tongue in strawberry now and later cheeks.

Caramel coated marshmallow legs, arms, and feet,

Pixie stick blush,

Chocolate sprinkle eyebrows and eye lashes…


Mmmm…he is cavities galore.


Yes, this man is Sweeeeet…..

Just a little too sweet for me.


Have you every met someone that was too awesome or too good?? Is there a such thing as too good looking, too funny, too nice?? hmmm…what do you think?


I’ll Write What I Like


Why don’t you write a happy poem?

She sweetly said to me,

Write a bird, a tree, a laughing poem…

Why are you so keen on only misery?

Well, I thought, perhaps I’ll try a bird poem and see what sweet words might flow from my fingertips,

Yet as I thought of birds, I thought of black vulchers and large crows.

I thought of seagulls swooping in to fill their large mouths with fish,

I thought of annoying chirping at 5am,

I thought of bird poop left on freshly cleaned cars………. And promptly decided to try writing a tree poem.

………And as I gazed upon the trees around, I could only think of falling leaves,

I could only think of hazardous limbs, I could only think of un-recycled paper mounting in heaps somewhere near nowhere in the middle of the sea,

I could only think of chopped down trees and the cheap city buildings erected on their uncounted graves…I tried and tried and tried to write a tree poem but none of them would speak to me.

I set my heart on a laughing poem, yet, laughing is just not me-

So I thought and thought, and thought and thought, and thought, and thought, and thought, and thought, and thought, and thought….

And decided… misery it’s going to have to be.



My mind is sea of confusion…I have been thinking lately that a glimpse into my mind would be magical. I imagine little Me’s running around screaming “abort, abort” or “Bravo to Charlie, we have a problem”. There are papers thrown everywhere and mini bombs are exploding all over the place. Somewhere near my ears the little Me’s have set up a triage area where other little Me’s can get treatment. Then somewhere near my forehead there is a fire that they can’t seem to put out. The fire just keeps raging and raging…

Essentially what I am saying is that my mind is a confused mass of something and I forgot a life vest. I got a crash course in how to turn my pants and jacket into floatation devices, but I don’t think that skill will serve me very well in water comprised completely of thoughts. 

I wish I could adequately describe how I have been feeling or what is going on in my head…but I am not able to. I am underwater. I am underwater with the ability to breath. I can hear you- yes, it’s a muffled you, but I can hear you nonetheless. But, you cannot hear me; and if I speak… I drown….

wow…that sounds depressing…but that’s the best way to describe it….

the question is…how do you organize a sea of confusion..