Tag Archives: twa

Its Been Forever!!

Its Been Forever!!

I would love to say that I have been really super hella busy…but that would be a partial lie. Yes I have been busy, but not too busy to write or blog…

So…I cut my hair on March 2nd and it is now the end of the month (the 30th). I LOVE my hair!! lol!!!! I love the freedom, the empowerment, I love the person I am.

For a moment I felt as though I had become a new person, but it’s not that I became a new person, rather it’s that I began to see the woman that I’d always been that was hiding just below the surface.

Here are a few pics and a poem…Enjoy!

(SN: I promise not to stay away so long. I’ll start posting some of the poems I’ve been working on)

The first two are the most recent…..(actually right now my hair is in long kinky twists- I’m trying out a protective style..lol)…and the other three are shortly after the BC…


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