Tag Archives: sweets



I guess all that hot chocolate has me thinking about candy and all things sweet…lol..


He’s sweet.


Candy coated cheeks

Mint chocolate flavored lips,

Funnel caked hands-

Rock hard jaw breaker abs under powdered sugar clothes.


Chocolate covered raisins in all the right places,

White chocolate teeth,

Strawberry taffy tongue in strawberry now and later cheeks.

Caramel coated marshmallow legs, arms, and feet,

Pixie stick blush,

Chocolate sprinkle eyebrows and eye lashes…


Mmmm…he is cavities galore.


Yes, this man is Sweeeeet…..

Just a little too sweet for me.


Have you every met someone that was too awesome or too good?? Is there a such thing as too good looking, too funny, too nice?? hmmm…what do you think?