Category Archives: Poetry

A collection of words that can be rythmically lyrical..

Are You Me?

Are You Me?

Melodic ticks

and in clandestine eyes shift to her gait,

to her stride…

one foot carefully placed in front of the other…

this sexy sultry sauntering walk.

One thigh loves on the other as her ankles flirt above her shoes.

Her hips sway drunkenly to the rhythmic rhapsody in her head.

He shoulders sit square,

Her neck resting proudly,

Cradling her head-

Boldly casting light on her hair…

in its natural splendor,

its natural grandeur,

its only true self,

in its only true light.

With her head tilted slightly,

Soft brown eyes staring intently,

High cheekbones standing at attention,

A smirk hinting at seduction,

Nose flaring,

Long lashing flapping,

Honey brown skin whispering,



“Come… kiss me”.

She is who she is,

But who she is

Is not me.

But it is me,

It’s her me,

It’s the new me.

Who is she?

This “her”.

Where was she hiding?

She was just beneath the surface, just below the scalp.

Waiting to emerge,

Only she isn’t new-

She’s the past I never knew.

She’s the me that always was.

And so I watch

Melodic ticks

and in clandestine eyes shift to her gait,

to her stride…

one foot carefully placed in front of the other foot…

these sexy sultry sauntering steps.

And I hear the faint voice of a green friend snidely asking

“Are you supposed to be me?”

And the soft smile of an answer returns

“Pretenders only pretend for so long…”



Her heart skips a beat when she sees him.

Her eyes linger a little too long,

But she doesn’t notice.

She doesn’t see anyone else but him-she just wants to see him and she wants him to see her…

So her eyes…linger a bit.


Her hands search for work.

Her fingertips yearn for sensation,

They call out to the air, asking, moaning, begging- No-pleading for contact.

Her hands want to be held-they want to be touched and caressed.

Her hands flinch.


Her body can’t be still.

It vibrates and hums with anticipation.

She crosses legs, shifts in her seat; wraps warm loving arms around her waist-but she cannot get rid of the feeling.

She cannot escape that desire;

she can almost taste it…

Her body has a mind of its own and her feet move to act-but her mind stops her.


Her mind stops her… every- single- time,

So……instead she just looks.

Hoping that he sees her when she sees him-

Because every time she sees him,

Her heart skips a beat and her eyes always linger just a little bit too long-

but she never really seems to notice.