Category Archives: Poetry

A collection of words that can be rythmically lyrical..

Last Night



I saw this picture and it struck me how large the room was and how lonely it felt all at the same time. I always imagined a lonely room to be dark-dark, lonely and a bit on the creepy side. But this room just speaks to neglect and a lack of attention. There’s light coming in and yet its still melancholy and secluded and its ceiling looks like it could give way at any moment.

I think sometimes we live lives like that: melancholy,  secluded and alone…seeing the light but also looking around waiting on the ceiling to cave in…when all we really have to do is walk towards the light and out the door to illumination.

Choose to find the light today, tomorrow and everyday of your life…

I started writing this poem awhile back in my head and just picked it back up and finished it recently….deep thinking and solomn thoughts I guess can be inspiring…

Last Night

Full hearts and closed eyes
Pursed lips and strained thighs..

Remember last night?

Remember last fights
Remember last rights
Remember clinches fist,
Held tongues
And stiff lips

Large hands grip the strings and control the wiring…like life sized ventriloquists …
And there she is,
Bent over hurt and despair like a child finding comfort in a womb..only, she is in a room.

Filled with silent memories
And wordless trilogies of a past she can’t escape.

Low moans and whispered secrets

Hints and smells of a secure future seem to evade her.
But heavy hearts and watered eyelids invade her.
Bruised thighs and strained calves greet her.
Tired feet and lined mouths meet her.

Asking the same question…

Do you… remember, last night?

Do you remember the ache of words left unsaid,
The frustration of wrong tones
And odd thoughts and final sentiments.

Do you?

Do you remember the night before last where last became first.

And that ending became an opportunity for a brand new beginning.

Don’t you remember the night?

That night of hope.
…The light that illuminated the dark spaces and dark places that had you roped.

The bright hue of existence
The euphoric high of almost fulfilled dreams
And the satisfaction of living out your true purpose with the knowledge that’d you’d never run out of steam?

You have to remember that night or closed eyes and heavy hearts will keep you bound in a room of faithless memories and tragic trilogies.

Chained to unfulfilled potential and unrealized grails.

Please…open your eyes and remember last night….remember last night and go greet the light…




My heart is like the long stem of a beautiful rose
To get to the true depths of its splendor, you must be able to climb up high and long, and make it through the temoldous spikes that gaurd it.

And though it may appear frail and its beauty all encompassing… hidden in its luscious bosom are secret caves of wisdom, rivers of understanding and never-ending wells of love.

Climb high,
Hold tight.
Move past my thorns,
Past my defenses and walls,
And through my maze of soft incredibly complex layers… and delve into the beautiful fragrance that is me..

My heart is like the long stem of a wondefully beautiful rose and I often wonder who will attempt its climb…



I guess all that hot chocolate has me thinking about candy and all things sweet…lol..


He’s sweet.


Candy coated cheeks

Mint chocolate flavored lips,

Funnel caked hands-

Rock hard jaw breaker abs under powdered sugar clothes.


Chocolate covered raisins in all the right places,

White chocolate teeth,

Strawberry taffy tongue in strawberry now and later cheeks.

Caramel coated marshmallow legs, arms, and feet,

Pixie stick blush,

Chocolate sprinkle eyebrows and eye lashes…


Mmmm…he is cavities galore.


Yes, this man is Sweeeeet…..

Just a little too sweet for me.


Have you every met someone that was too awesome or too good?? Is there a such thing as too good looking, too funny, too nice?? hmmm…what do you think?