I Give Myself Away in Service…(MOW)

I Give Myself Away in Service…(MOW)

So, I was reading a devotional by Joyce Meyer  last Saturday about doing good to others and I had a really interesting epiphany.  I had just read the devotional and in the background I had been playing William McDowell’s “I Give Myself Away” and it occurred to me that “giving myself away” in the name of the Lord as an act of service is worship.

When ever I find myself in constant communion with God I always have a strong urge to go out and volunteer to do something or anything, really. I have always encountered this faint tugging to be a help to someone and just as quickly as it comes I have always ignored it and pushed it to the side claiming to have other, more pressing, things to do. I never thought to attribute this desire to something that the Lord is calling me to do.

In Romans 12: 1 (NLT) it reads: “And so, dear brothers and sisters,I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”

My life and how I live it is an act of worship and the Lord has called all those that follow Him to leave an amazingly positive and transforming mark on the world we live in. We have been called to love one (John 13:34)  another with an unselfish and faithful love. And the term “one another” includes everyone! We are to be a help and a refuge for all hurting bodies, spirits, and minds, just like the Lord is that for us. In many cases we are the only representation of Jesus Christ that some people will run into day in and day out so we have been tasked with representing Him well.

Your desire to help is not a faint idle one, it is a call to higher service and an act of worship so do not ignore it. Rather, embrace it and pursue and fulfill that desire to be of service.

Take a moment today and bless someone. Ask the Lord to guide you and allow you to help someone today and then enjoy the joy you give someone else and know that there is worship in small everyday acts of kindness.

This is the song I was listening to….

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