I Did It!!!!!!!!!

I Did It!!!!!!!!!

Ummmmm…so yeah! I big chopped. LOL!! I totally had planned on transitioning until November at least, but obviously it didn’t work out. I was sitting at work staring at my computer and I suddenly said to myself…”I’m gonna do it tonight!!” and I did.

I have thought about doing it several times before, but I always chickened out- but not this time!!

So I went home, grabbed my scissors and started snipping away…

My hair was originally this long:

Super Bowl Party (2)

then I cut it to this…

short cut


and   N O W       (dun dun duuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh)



Then I had to have the family barber come and trim me up a bit… =)


I think I liked it more when it was wild and unruly…lol. I’m super ecstatic! I’m fully natural and I really do love it! I totally thought I would miss my hair or I would be completely devastated the morning after..but..it’s morning and….(*birds chirp) the world has not collapsed on me….

I encourage anyone who’s thinking about doing going natural or doing the big chop…do it!!!

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