Gosh Darn It!!!!!!!!!

Gosh Darn It!!!!!!!!!


That about explains my two month natural hair transition anniversary.

When I think of anniversaries, I think of confetti, streamers, balloons, good music, randomly hilarious dance moves, embarrassing situations, and great cake-really really great chocolate cake. I imagine the creations of memories that will last forever-the kind of memories that you smile at 10 years later….

That is not how I would describe how I feel. Only one word comes to mind. One loud, thumping word flashing in bright neon colors:


So I cut my hair-no I did not big chop…my beautician refused. Can you believe that?? She straight up refused to cut my hair the way I wanted her to-then she proceeded to brush my new growth out like she was raking a rake across a metal floor…or at least that what it felt like…needless to say, I am rethinking ever going back-but I digress; I cut my hair.

My hair is about chin level in the front and above my ears and almost shaved in the back. I was not happy that it was not cut as short as I wanted but it was cute for a few days…..

short cut

Then the elements hit it. Florida humidity and sweat from working out did a number on my shaved back and edges at the front. I was then left with a short shrinking mess that I had no idea what to do with. I tried straightening my hair but the back was too short to grab and curl. I tried straw curling, but once again the back was too short to grab and curl….I was stuck…I’m still stuck…….

So I bought a half wig…..(but this is definitely not working for me either…and this is also a terrible picture…lol… I must be bloated or something…)


I keep telling myself this is suppose to be the fun part-the discovering your hair part…

“This is the fun part….this is the fun part…this is the fun part….”

Maybe if I say it in a chant..it will stick…lol!! It’s going to have to stick because this is going to be a long (at least a year and a half ) transition….

Soo yay….fun??!!

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